Rules and Guidance
Our Rules can be downloaded here. Please read these carefully since they are more comprehensive than the brief notes provided below.
Remember that, in any competition, the most important rule to remember is that 100% of what appears in your photograph must be captured by YOU.
Images may only be entered twice. That is, an image may be entered once in a PDI and once in a Print competition or it could be entered twice in either type of competition. This enables a member to adjust an image following a judges comments and enter it again
Print competitions
Members may enter up to 5 prints for each competition.
In the event we have too many prints to be judged in one evening the 4th and 5th entries may be omitted.
Prints can be any size up to a maximum including the mount of 40 x 50 cm. The mounts can be any colour. Please ensure the print is firmly attached to the mount so it can be handled during judging. Collages are permitted but must fit within the maximum size.
The following information should be provided on the back of the mount.
- Competition Number
- Competition Date
- Title
- Author
This can simply be printed in block letters on the back of the mount. As an aid, an example template for 67 x 99 mm labels can be downloaded here.
Prints are to be handed in on the night of the competition by 7.50pm .
Each print is awarded a mark out of 20. The member’s highest three marks are summed to give a total score for the competition. The winner of the competition is the photographer with the highest total score for the evening.
Hints: Prints do not have to be A3 and an A4 Print on a larger mount can often be very successful. Even smaller prints can be very effective if they are well mounted. A slightly larger border on the bottom can enhance the presentation.
Projected Digital Images (PDI) Competitions
Members may enter up to 3 digital images. Each image is awarded a mark out of 20. The member’s marks are summed to give a total score for the competition. The winner of the competition is the photographer with the highest total score for the evening.
Digital Images must be in JPEG format using sRGB colour space. The image should be at least 1600 pixels in any dimension and not exceed a file size of 5 Mb.
The image files must be named with Title of the image (in capitals) “by” and Author’s name. Example: OAK TREES by John Smith.jpg The maximum recommended number of characters (including spaces) for the ‘title’ is 55. Adapted from the Image Comp Pro v 17 manual, all rights acknowledged © Pinner Camera Club. Detailed guidance on exporting images from most software is provided in this document.